Post Redacted

April 14, 2011

So I joined this gay club at my grad school.

Some of the girls are nice, but there is no one really interesting. Except this other girl who already had a gf, and I don’t really want to break up couples. Couples are cute and I want everyone to get along. Plus, I like my professor best of all, anyways. (And BlondeGirl. But that is not an option.)


5 Responses to “Post Redacted”

  1. N said

    Another 29? Seriously? the curse…. : D
    and lovee the picture of course… *suspiro*

  2. N said

    aw! This is still my all time favorite picture.. *suspiro*

  3. ..... said

    and talking about kitchens, just figured that this is some sort of kitchen, uh….

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